December is here, which means the new year is steadily creeping up. This could be a great time to reflect on all that has happened this year and practice gratitude for the ups, downs, and everything in between. You’ve made it this far! You should be proud of you.
The Birth Neoterist Newsletter is a community space. This is a space where guest writing is welcomed, guest speakers are invited, and community events are shared. Add a comment below or send us an email at with any events you have coming up this season and we will add them in. Or you can contact us if you’d like to share your story on this platform.
This month, there are sections for events, mutual aid requests and some pretty cool community job postings!
Monthly Mood: The Playlist
Another satisfying playlist to vibe to! Turn this on while you’re relaxing and enjoying you time or while hanging out with friends. Whatever your heart desires, this playlist will provide.
Events and Workshops
Holiday Frolic Daylong Retreat | December 17th | This online daylong retreat with Lama Rod Owens is a special opportunity to come together as a community to feel more at home, connected, and nurtured through practice, self-care, and ritual.
Legislative Advocacy Workshop | January 7th (virtual) and January 14th (in person) | Just some of the things you'll do at LAW: learn about abortion rights and barriers to access in Georgia; discuss how how those laws get made and how to advocate for laws that help communities thrive; practice key advocacy skills like lobbying your representative. We'll also discuss our ongoing court challenge to Georgia's 6-week abortion ban and what to expect this legislative session. In Chamblee, GA.
Communal Consultations in Somatic Abolitionism for All Bodies of Culture | February - November 2023 | Virtual | This is a nine-month journey of healing and practice for bodies of culture. We will work with how and where trauma shapes our experience with one another, as well as our capacity to heal and return to our birthright state of embodied wisdom, connection, and wholeness. YOU ARE NOT DEFECTIVE, and you deserve to know that in your bones.
Reparative Communal Consultations for White and White-Passing Bodies: Year One | February - November 2023 | Virtual | Reparative Communal Consultations: Year 1 is for people who have not attended our communal consultations in the past and identify as white and move through the world in a White Body. It is also open to people who may be mixed race or mixed heritage and yet experience white privilege in their daily lives. This group is open to men and women, queer, trans and non-binary identities.
Foundations in Somatic Abolitionism (FSA) | Multiple Dates in 2023 | Virtual | Somatic Abolitionism is an embodied anti-racist practice and process of culture building. This event offers a foundational base for developing the skills to cultivate somatic abolitionism personally and communally. This course is available to the general public.
Mutual Aid
Hadassah’s Wishlist | Hadassah is a Primary Student Midwife that serves the DMV area
Commonsense Childbirth School of Midwifery Student Series | CCSm is introducing a series where they highlight student midwives to encourage donations to their crowdfunding campaigns.
Rafeal is Becoming a Midwife | Patreon | Paypal | Venmo: @cypressdoula

Help Yve with Cancer Treatments | Yve is 31 years old and was diagnosed with triple negative invasive ductile carcinona breast cancer in October 2022. Yve is 31 years old and will be unable to work during this long period and has no insurance to help her with her expenses. Any donation, small or large, will help her greatly and will go directly into Yve's bank account!
Community Job Postings
Groundwork Project | Hiring for an Operations Coordinator | Apply by January 2, 2023 | Remote Position | The Operations Coordinator supports daily operations at Groundwork Project to ensure the organization maintains flow, impact, and values-alignment while delivering upon its mission. This position will work closely with the Operations Director to ground the team in effective infrastructure, admin, HR, finance, and community engagement practices and systems.
Loads of Pride | A BIPOC and Queer Centered Trucking Company is actively searching for partnerships with companies that we vibe with, that hold similar values, and are on a mission to build a socially conscious, inclusive, and expansive business that will directly impact change for our communities.
Missed Last Month’s Events? Check Them Out Here!